Blue Project
In order to accelerate the construction of young teachers’ team, on the morning of 27th September, at the second-floor conference room, Anqing Foreign Language School’s Junior high Division of the east campus held the ‘Blue Project:Master-Apprentice Connection’ ceremony in the first semester of the 2017-2018 academic year. The conference was chaired by Principal Assistant Lu Dan. Also, six teachers in the ‘Apprenticeship& Partnership’ program attended the ceremony.
First of all, Principal Assistant Lu Dan conducted a brief review in terms of the fine traditions and remarkable achievements of Anqing Foreign Language School’s previous ‘Blue Projects’. Other than that, Principal Assistant Lu stressed the significance of the meaningful campaign.
Second of all, Principal Assistant Lu Dan made detailed explanation towards the mission and work plans of this term’s ‘Master-Prentice Mode’. In addition, Principal Assistant Lu put forward valuable proposals to new teachers, hoping that they would strictly carry out and complete various tasks of the ‘Blue Project’ to realize rapid growth and develop their own teaching styles.
To conclude, as Anqing Foreign Language School’s traditional campaign, the ‘Blue Project’ provided new teachers with a platform to learn from each other and achieve mutual development, which not only effectively boosted new teachers’ teaching levels, but also played a irreplaceable significance for the growth of Anqing Foreign Language School’s young teachers in addition to the teaching staff’s construction.


